
Average score 452 Reviews
蔡壮 noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect Northeastern cuisine, the taste of hometown, the proprietress is very enthusiastic. (Original) 完美的东北菜,家乡的味道,老板娘非常热情。

7 months ago
chen chen noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The clerks are very friendly, the service is very good, and the food is delicious. Good value for money, but my husband ordered the boiled beef and forgot to note that it should be less spicy! The results can be imagined! Hahaha (Original) 店员都很热情,服务很好,东西也很好吃。性价比高,就是我老公点了水煮牛,忘了备注少辣!结果可想而知!哈哈哈

7 months ago
Li Li noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Food delivery is timely, service is very good, tastes good (Original) 送餐及时,服务很好,味道不错

7 months ago
Mathieu Hervé noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good and served quickly (Original) Très bon et servi rapidement

7 months ago
jean louis noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good Chinese restaurant, typical northeastern cuisine. The ravioli, the spicy fish, the skewers, the eggplant, everything was excellent. (Original) Très bon restaurant chinois, cuisine typique du nord-est. Les raviolis, le poisson pimenté, les brochettes, les aubergines, tout était excellent.

7 months ago
Maxime De Simone noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good Chinese restaurant. Specialty: skewers!! Fair price, quick service, super good food. I recommend. (PS: taste the chicken heart skewers 😍) (Original) Très bon restaurant chinois. Spécialité : brochettes !! Prix correct, service rapide, nourriture super bonne. Je recommande. (PS: goûtez les brochettes aux cœurs de poulets 😍)

8 months ago
Yi JIANG noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I think his Guobao Pork is the best in Paris. As a Harbin native, the sour flavor is quite right. (Original) 他家的锅包肉自认为是巴黎最好吃的了,作为一个哈尔滨人,那股子酸劲儿,真的挺对的

8 months ago
Thierry Mollandin noted on Google

(Translated by Google) I knew the street and the good addresses in the area, having lived in the area. But this restaurant was new to me and it was quite a nice surprise. It's good, well presented and plentiful! (Original) Je connaissais la rue et les bonnes adresses du coin, pour avoir habité dans le quartier. Mais ce restaurant était nouveau pour moi et c'est plutôt une bonne surprise. C'est bon, bien présenté et copieux !

8 months ago
haoru chu noted on Google

8 months ago
Alain Vuong noted on Google

8 months ago

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